I recently replaced one of two 290mm mini cameras with the new 220mm mini model. I also own 174mm mini which I mainly use on OAG-L. At the moment, on ASIAIR with the latest public firmware, 220 is the worst ZWO guiding camera I used, despite my old 120mm mini which failed on ASIAIR again and again. I tried to use 220mini in two sessions. In the first one, I gave up and ran the session with 174mm as the guiding camera. The main problem is that 220mm produces very low-contrast images on the default "M" gain. Reducing and increasing the gain does not help much. The contrast stays low. I'm not sure if this is a problem in ASIAIR: I did not try it on a PC or Mac yet. I managed to sell 290mm at a good price, but I'm unsure if this was a good idea. There are more reports about problems with 220mm. Are there some efforts to address it?