Hello there. I have a courious issue after stacking. This post is especially to users with the 294 combined with astropixelprocessor. My Problem is still this transparent ampglow after stacking. Use 30 of each calibration frame. Lights as darks with -15° 300 seconds and gain 121, flats and darkflats with gain 121 , -15° and 5 seconds. The Flats have an avg about 25-32k, test many avgs but with every flat group the same issue.
I hope there is anybody who had the same or a similar issue and have fix it. Pls help. I wouldn't sell this beautiful camera because I know it all can be calibrate out fully.
Camera: ZWO ASi 294 MC Pro Scope: TS Photoline 72 SD 432mm f/6 Filter: Antlia ALP-T 5nm Software: AsiAir Pro , Astropixelprocessor
Tobi294MCPro This is the charactisc of the 294 sensor, and should be calibrated via flats. But some flat field panel with uneven light band can cause this worse. Disable the AutoWB option to check if the ADU of all R G B channels is within 20-40k.
Hm, it seems it is not. Here comes the auto wb deactivated.
But how is it possible, I shoot ngc 2244 about 6 hours and the final stack with the same darks and identical flats works fine?
Here two images from the stack.
Even with just stacking with lights and darks the issue is still there.
If the darks are proper, then it shouldn't calibrate amp glow totally out?
Here is circled, what I mean. Or as I said, my main issue.
Tobi294MCPro My apologies, seem I misunderstood the problem you said. The pattern on the flat and light is the characteristics of the sensor, can can be calibrated by the flats. About the amp-glow, as you said, it should be calibrated via darks. Could you send me some lights and master dark for further analysis? thank you.
Nobody an idea? :-/
Tech@ZWO where can I send this?
Beacuse of the calibration issue I try another thing in Astropixelprocessor right now.
I load 1 Light and 1 Dark and calibrate the dark to the light.
See the results below.
Means that the darks aren´t well enough? I mean, if the darks would be properly then the whole amp glow would calibrate 100% out. Right?
ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro 1 Light Gain 121 / -15 1 Dark Gain 121 / -15
Tobi294MCPro Yes, the amp glow should be fully calibrated it the dark and light are matched. Do you have cloud drive account? such as google drive or others, you can share the file with us via that. thanks
Yes, here is the complete folder with all data files from two nights from ngc 7000.
My darks have a strange green bar at the end of the histogram or it is clipping data, don´t know. Is this normal? Or maybe a light leak?
I do darks without telescope with a metal cap in front of the camera.
Hi. Dark seems to be ok. In the picture is Dark with ASI 183 MC Pro. I have downloaded your data and I will process it in PixInsight to see how it turns out.
iosif ok thanks. At facebook other users has stack my data too in pixinsight and surprise, all was very well calibrated and nothing was seen in the stack. Only in APP and DSS I saw this issue. In AsiStack no issues too, but I would stack in the future with APP.
iosif Thank you for your images, i will look into this and get back to you soon.
Here is your data stacked with PixInsight. I have used only 10 Dark, Flat, and DarkFlat. All is ok.
iosif you see allready a little bit blueish ampglow at the right of the head from the pelican. And the left upper corner looks strange, like a gradient. Hmm...
I processed your data with APP 2.0.0 beta 29 and it looks OK to me as well. I loaded the "dark flats" as bias and left all settings to the default values.
wvreeven can you show, send, or upload the image/stack?
Tobi294MCPro I tried last night but got an upload issue with my browser. I'll upload to my cloud storage and will post the download URL here later today.
wvreeven yeah nice, thank you! :-)