Yesterday night during my session were run a software update. After that I was not able anymore to process my framing session as usual. Wifi connection were totally unstable.
My setup: ASIAIR Plus, ASI120mmmini, ASI585MC-Pro, SA GTI (eqmode cable)
This morning, I did some more checks.
- I powered the ASIR Plus and ASI585MC-Pro separately. Same failure !
- I reinstalled the ASIAIR App to my iPad (iOS version 17.5.1) Same failure !
- After it was indicated in the iPad “Auto reconnecting….” Indication and information in iPad display got lost (e.g. camera, wifi and mount …)
- so, I was not able to switch to any mode (e.g. Autorun, preview …) or do any other remote activity.
- the Wi-Fi to ASIAIR were still connected. But sometimes it got lost Wi-Fi connection.