After successfully taking photos for 15+ months, I have encountered problems the last two nights. My equipment is ASIAIR Pro, RedCat 51, 533MC Pro main camera, 32/120MM guide scope, ASI120MM mini guide camera, EQ6-R Pro mount. Pre-photo goes smooth, i.e., PA, focusing, GOTO, etc. After taking 2 or 3 images, subsequent images do not stack and I receive this error message: "Auto reconnecting. Disconnected. Please reconnect." However, WIFI shows I am still connected to the ASIAIR. My main camera shows, "None," and drop-down menus only shows, "None," but my guide camera still shows. I have tried turning everything off-then-on, reconnecting, changing power supplies/cords, but still receive the Auto reconnecting, Disconnected error after 2 or 3 photos - quite frustrating. Any thoughts/ideas will be appreciated.
Thank you