I have an Astro-Physics AP1100 goto mount using their APCC software. My imaging software is SGPro. When I connect my new ZWO2600 duo to SGPro, choose either camera (as a test) they both work perfectly. They both take pictures and download. However, when I boot up the mount with the APCC software and then press connect on the APCC software, the mini guide camera on the 2600 will not download. It hangs up! Also, the main camera on the 2600 works perfectly (downloads) even when the AP1100 is connected. Take note: all of this happens before I even start the AP1100 mount in SGPro. Which means it's not SGPro. I changed the com ports on the AP1100 several times and it still does not work. I also tried every combination of ASI (1) and ASI (2) camera choices in the SGPro dropdown window along with the com port changes on the AP1100 and even changed USB inputs. Nothing works. Conclusion: Your driver software has a bug. Do you have any ideas. I have include the lo file of when it works (labeled good) and when it fails (labeled bad)