I have a 2600MM Pro powered by a 12v 5a ZWO external power supply. My EFW and 174MM guide camera are plugged into the USB2 hub on rear of the 2600MM Pro.
I have successfully been using this config on an iOptron CEM60 connected to a separate powered external USB3 hub for years.
Recently I purchased an iOptron CEM70G that has a built in USB3 saddle. The 2600/EFW/174 combo is still powered by an external 12v 5a P/S but now I want to plug the combo into the CEM70G USB3 saddle instead of the external USB3 hub. When I do, the EFW and 174MM drop off after a few minutes.
iOptron tech support says this:
"It seems the external power to the camera only for cooling purpose... The team suggested to check the camera only on each of the USB port to see if it works. It might still the total current exceeded the power limit."
That makes no sense to me. So the first question is whether the 2600/EFW/174 combo draws any current from the USB port or is the external power supply all the power that the three devices needs?
Any help is appreciated.