Tech@ZWO In the driver, ZWO FilterWheel 2 is fine.
ZWO FilterWheel 1 is mixing up the hardware. When connecting to the intended EFW which is EFW(EDGE) it doesn't connect at all and you would think the EFW needs to be opened and that it is stuck.
BUT if I select the OTHER filter wheel (only from ZWO FilterWheel 1), labelled EFW(ROK) in my settings, it connects to the EFW(EDGE) device, and I can change the filters and use the device. There is no actual hardware problem. BUT the driver thinks its a 5 position EFW. Here is a link demonstrating this corruption.
We need to be perfectly clear here about what is happening in this vide:
In ZWO FilterWheel 1, EFW(EDGE) is not working properly. Instead of selecting EFW(EDGE), I select filter wheel EFW(ROK). You can see the filters that show up in the list when I connect. These are the filters for EFW(EDGE). This is how I know it is connecting to the other EFW. I have taken exposures and changed positions, I have tested it.
I am connected to EFW(EDGE) even though I selected EFW(ROK). Again, EFW(ROK) works fine in ZWO FilterWheel2.
But ZWO FilterWheel 1, when connected to EFW(ROK) thinks it's a 5 position filter wheel because EFW(ROK) is a 5 position wheel. EFW(EDGE) is a 7 position wheel. Its a complete mess.
What do you recommend? I am thinking the Windows Registry is messed up somewhow.!ApnAsY5YOCinhNBt7z7zQf5lgY90WQ?e=gwS64Y