Hello there,
I am new to deep sky imaging and am seeking some advice on choosing the right guide camera. I have been using a DSLR for a while and recently upgraded to a dedicated astro camera ZWO ASI533MC Pro. My setup includes an 80mm refractor on a Sky Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount. Now; I am looking to improve my guiding to achieve longer exposures and better overall results.
I have been researching various guide cameras; and I am torn between the ZWO ASI120MM Mini and the ASI290MM Mini. I understand that both are quite popular; but I am not sure which one would be more suitable for my setup and needs.
How much of a difference does the sensitivity and pixel size make between these two models? I have read that the ASI290MM Mini has smaller pixels and higher sensitivity. How does this impact guiding accuracy; especially for someone with my level of experience?
I currently have a 50mm guide scope. Would either of these cameras be a better fit for this guide scope? Are there specific considerations I should be aware of when matching a guide camera to a guide scope?
I plan to use PHD2 for guiding. Are there any notable differences in how these cameras perform with PHD2? Are there any known issues or advantages with either camera in terms of software compatibility or performance?
I hope to continue improving my setup over time. Would investing in the ASI290MM Mini offer more longevity and flexibility as I potentially upgrade other components of my imaging rig?
Also, I have gone through this post: https://bbs.zwoastro.com/d/15989-getting-the-best-performance-from-my-am5-blue-prism/ which definitely helped me out a lot.
I would greatly appreciate any insights; experiences, or recommendations you can share. It is a bit overwhelming with all the technical specifications; and hearing from those who have practical experience would be incredibly helpful.
Thankyou in advance for your help and assistance.