Newbie here. I just bought a 585MC Pro, and I've been very impressed with some of the DSO images I've captured. One issue I noticed immediately when I did my first flat, there was a round spot left of center in the field of view. What I didn't realize until today is that it also shows up in the darks if the exposure is long enough, making me think that it is an issue with the sensor. This happens when the camera is used with two two different scopes, so I had guessed that it was probably the camera, but didn't have real evidence until I was building my dark library today. While it is possible to calibrate the problem out in the stacked images (somewhat), I have trouble doing it where there is gradients. I wonder if I got a bad one and should return it?
The darks were taken with the telescope cover on as well as a black velvet cover over the top of the telescope to ensure that there was no light leakage.
The images were all taken at gain 252, the point for the where the sensor drops to its lowest read noise. Temp was -10 for all images.



Has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing? I would greatly appreciate any recommendations.