Attached images represent two of a series of Jupiter captures. All like quality. The add of Moonlite focuser to the 9.25' optical train did the trick. Converted to jpeg for post to group page.
Only third night with the ZWO and you just cant have too much fun with it.
Settings in Sharpcap
Gamma 50 Gain 26 exp .022 480x320 subframe max FPS White 5000
Autostakkert after process in Castrator settings other than defaults
25% frames, 40 points with one set on Io
Registax6 settings
Gaussian, non link, initial layer 1
1 denoise .20 sharp .120 92
2 .05 .120 60
3 leave at default
4 9
5 15
6 50
Minimal Deringing on dark and white sides and RGB align and balance, crop to fit then Do all and save
Final warming of colour, slight smooth and sharp in JASC PSP8 to finish