Hi-I am running AA+ with cgx-l and keep having problems with what appears to be loss of tracking after a successful meridian flip. I am using version 2.1.5 of the asiair app, and have carefully rebalanced the mount and re-done PA within the asiair app. Despite this the last 3 times I have set up an overnight imaging session, I have lost all or nearly all of the subs that were exposed after what appears to be a successful MF. I would appreciate it if you could look at the logs I am attaching-please attend to the session starting at 23:43:20, where I planned on 60 2 minute exposures of NGC 6888. The first 6 exposures on this run were fine. Then the flip happened (programmed to stop 5 min before and resume 5 min after meridian) and was clearly successful since image #7 was fine. The strange thing is that the next 2 images showed poor tracking, then image #10 was fine. For the rest of the run, only images 17 and 33 were centered and showed no star trails; all the rest until the end of the run showed star trails. Even stranger (at least to me) is that then the second part of the plan (IC 10-planned 40 2 minute exposures) tracked and guided perfectly again until an apparently successful median flip, after which the same problem with star trails continued until astronomic twilight came up and the guide stars were lost.
If there is a particular setting in the app I am overlooking in setting up an overnight plan, I would love to find that out, but right now, I can't figure it out. Appreciate any help. Thanks.