Lots of issues with the ASIair running inside my new
ZWO 2600MC Air. Some have been documented by other users, but my big problem is Wifi connection. My old ASIair Pro and plus could Wifi solidly to my inside location (about 25 feet) with no issues. Now I get constant drop outs. The camera insists on connecting via 5g, which has less range, so I have switched it to 2.4, but it keeps jumping back to 5g. Last night it happened 5 times, or lost connection to WiFi around a dozen times. It doesn't make for a good session. My understanding was WiFi was better on this new combination Camera, Guider, ASIair, but that's not been my experience. It doesn't have an ethernet port, so I can't use a WiFi extender. I'm usually in station mode, but it's just not reliable. I don't know if it can be improved, but I hope so. Don't want to sit outside with the telescope all night.
When everything is running (between network connection losses) the camera is a dream. Even with NB filters the guider finds plenty of stars, and the images are really excellent with my Askar 103.