I have written a simple program which counts the number of connected ASI cameras and displays the name and properties of them. If I connect a type C USB 2.0 cable to the ASI290MM Mini it works perfectly, but if I then connect the same cable to the ASI220 Mini the program returns 0 cameras detected. If I run ASI Studio with the same cable it detects the ASI220 Mini perfectly. Is the ASI220 Mini so new that it is not present in the ASICamera2.dll? Or have I missed something? If it is missing from the ASICamera2.dll is there any possibility of an update?
Just tested the ASI220 Mini and it appears to be working just fine. Not certain how I managed to fix the problem, but glad to take the win. Working with Windows 10 Pro, Visual Studio C#, and using ASICameraDll2.cs. Apologies for the confusion.