When I try to go to the moon, Seestar tells me it is below the horizon, it isn't. Saturn is next to the moon and the Seestar goes right to it. If I try a goto for the moon from Saturn, same result, below the horizon. Any ideas?
You can try a recalibration of the compass and check again. Or go to moon manually from saturn. Did you do a Horizontal-Calibration? If not, go to a star like Vega let it make the calibration and try again.
Thanks, I did a compass calibration first still no go. A friend also has a Seestar and his also has this problem, moon is below the horizon. I could do a manual slew, but if the moon is up, the Seestar should be able to goto it.
Another thing that helped me is first to to a star and afterwards to moon.
I'm having the same problem as rford322. I have recalibrated everything and I still get the "below horizon" message. Deep sky images work, but "below horizon" message shows up when I try to point to moon after imaging deep sky successfully.
seldom I have the same problem, but it is a very well known fault. Very annoying that the Seestar cannot find the moon (like the sun ) the biggest object in the sky. It is a problem since the last update in august. We are all waiting for an update. You can sometimes skip the problem by searching first of one of the smaller planets and the search the moon.
It would be nice to be able to revert to less buggy firmware, and have an option to not install new firmware until it's tested. The first firmware I got didn't have any of these problems.
seldom Or the beta testers should holding back until everything is tested and then zwo can publish.
seldom The issue here is that new app-features won´t work without an updated firmware. A cool thing would be couples of apps and matching firmware downloads on their homepages. Then the customers could decide to go back if they want to.
But that then leads to having to support multiple levels of source code. It appears ZWO is not willing to spend the resources on that. Don't blame them.
Hi, what app version and firmware version are you using? Please check if your phone time and app positioning is correct. Has this been an ongoing problem, not being able to GOTO the moon every time? Thanks.