Have a new ASI2600MC - Air. Overall it's been great, but I've had these troubling issues.
First, downloads from camera to its internal storage is sometimes very slow. What took a few seconds on my older ASIair can take 1-2 minutes. Sometimes the download never happens.
Also, Wi-Fi is very weak compared to other ASIairs that I've owned or have experience with. Used to be able to easily operate my scope from in the house with full bars. Now I'm constantly reconnecting. Wish the camera had an ethernet port.
Finally, I've had several images that failed. I've enclosed one. Looks like half a frame of the wrong colors. It's attached.
I'm actually quite enthusiastic about the camera. Fewer cables, internal guiding. Internal ASIair, and I am hoping these are software, not hardware issues.
(Note: I posed this before but it seems to have vanished.. maybe I did something wrong)