I have downloaded both the v2.3 & 2.4. When I click the firecapture.exe in either version nothing happens. I did a troubleshoot and get - "missing start.bat file". The start.bat file is in the FC folder. So, I'm not sure what to do... I am running Win7 Professional with core i7. Suggestions please.
Hi, what cam are you using?
Perhaps try Gabriels solution http://solarchat.natca.net/viewtopic.php?t=8752&p=86816
I know he uses CP 2.2, either try to get hold of ver. 2.2, or just "insert" your two versions in his solution.
HI Bjorn,
I will be using both the ASI 120MM and the 034MC. I will take a look at the link you provided and see if it helps me get FC going.
Good luck, Doug! Oh, and concider antivirus as a troublemaker too...