Everything is updated: AM5 firmware, asiair app, my iPhone 14 pro max...ALL of it. I have deleted the asiair app and reinstalled it. I have power-cycled my phone. Here's the problemS
This is ALL on the same rig:
William Optics Redcat 71 WIFD (NEW) with asi2600mc pro
Orion 60mm guide scope with asi290mm mini
3 asiair boxes tried: asiair pro, asiair plus 32gb, asiair plus 256gb.
Bortle 4. Good seeing, good transparency, low humidity, wind only 3mph.
The 32gb A-Plus: Plate solves just fine in Preview (using 5 sec exposure); it sees several hundred stars, then solves in .5 sec. But once put in Polar Align, the plate solves fail (5 sec exposure). . .it'll see 11 stars (vs several hundred) and fail. IF it does solve, it will do so once or twice as it tilts the scope, then fails repeatedly. When calibrating guiding, West step got to 22. This is fine. But guiding error hovered around 0.5 - 0.75 (same exact conditions on the Pro and guiding was improved, but error was only .2 - .3).
The Asiair Pro: Was working fine on the AM5 . . . it's solves just fine in Preview. Oddly, in Polar Align, it USED to be fine, but startign tonight, it would struggle to solve, so I'd cancel, then restart the solve, and it would take 30 seconds, but solve correctly, then it would solve fine in less than a second. Then it struggled again. Then it was fine. When calibrating guiding, the West step went to 36...it typicallly doesn't go above 20. Guiding total error was pretty good (around 0.2 - 0.3).
The 256gb A-Plus: Basically worked ok, but after calibrating, guiding was hovering around .6 - .8.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out what the heck ZWO has done here. They are saying that my issue with plate solving with the A Plus 32gb on the AM5 is not an issue they have seen with anybody else. I cannot get them to tell me how to fix this, so I have a rather expensive paperweight right now. They have not offered to connect to it to fix anything.
My main concern is the APlus 32 gb issue since it will not polar align at all. It seems like something is wonky in the code . . . like it takes an image and plate solves using one method in Preview that works fine, then changes to something else in Polar Align that prevents it from seeing as many stars.
Any ideas?