#1 - Last night at 8pm I ran a plan that was set to start at 8h30. The log shows it started at 8h33 with slewing. It took me a while to figure out that the 3 minutes difference comes from cooling time.
Please add this time to the log.
#2 - I have a dark filter in position 1 of my EFW, I use it to take darks and I like knowing that my camera sensor is protected from any light hitting it when my rig is powered off. The sequence of events when a plan is started is Cooling, slewing to target, guiding calibration/starting, filter change. This forces me to manually select a filter other than position 1 (dark filter) before running the plan because I have my Asiair set to auto-center which obviously cannot work with a dark filter selected.
Please change the sequencing so the filter for the 1st target of the plan is selected before slewing to that target.