I typically have my files written directly to a USB stick in the ASIAIR plus. But yesterday I forgot and they were written to local memory. I made a mistake where I started a transfer on the ASIAIR from local memory to a USB stick. I shut the device off when the transfer was complete. I forgot, as on so many systems, a completed transfer is not necessarily completed in hardware. When I looked on the USB drive with my PC I realized I lost half a dozen files. I turned the ASIAIR back on and they were not there. I figured they were lost.
To my surprise, next time I turned the ASIAIR on with the USB stick in it it did see the missing files. I planned to retrieve them next morning. I started my session writing to the USB drive as usual.
To my dismay when I plugged the USB drive into the PC not only were the original missing files still missing but a big chunk of the new ones were missing as well. Plugging the USB into the ASIAIR and I can see them all. But there is nothing I can seem to do. Tried transferring from USB to local on the ASIAIR, But there doesn't appear to be that option.
Any help would be appreciated