I have an ASG Photon Cage that houses my ASI6200MM Pro. The Photon Cage allows me to adjust the corners of the camera's sensor at the micron level.
Using the Photon Cage I'm able to see the exact angle and distances of the back focus and the sensor.
The problem I'm having is the numbers keep changing even though I don't make any changes. This leads me to think maybe the sensor or something in the camera is loose or ??
If you look at the "Tilt Adjustment History" and look at the very top row (86) these numbers should change from the row below, but ONLY if I make adjustments with the Photon Cage. The problem I'm having is these numbers change without me doing anything.
From row 81 to 86 I made no changes, I ran Auto Focus back to back so the numbers in each row should match the row below it, which they don't.
Is it possible for the camera's sensor to be loose?
Thank you,