As the title says, it would be great if we could disable live stacking completely as an advanced feature. I (and I'm sure many others) prefer doing the stacking ourselves when we get home and end up throwing away the original stack.
Live stacking takes time to process after each frame which results in a considerable amount of time wasted for everyone that does not make use of the automatically stacked frames. This seems to be considerably worse for mosaics with over half the time spent in the stacking and stitching process (I have not used this personally but that is what I've heard).
TLDR: It would be nice to get a more "raw" mode to save some time for those that want to do their own post processing anyway.
While I obviously do not know the specifics of your codebase, this does not sound insanely complicated to implement and I'm sure a lot of people would love this feature 🙂