Contrary to some comments on this forum, it is possible to revert the ASIAR app (and thus, also its paired firmware) back to an older version which you have used, as long as you have an ASIAIR that is new enough (with eMMC memory) that can be factory rest to its original firmware.
However, you do need to do some of your own diligence.
If you are using macos to control your ASIAIR (either through WiFi or Ethernet), it is easy... do not delete older versions of the ASIAIR app on your Mac's storage. You simply have to reset the ASIAIR to factory settings, and simply launch the older ASIAIR app.
In my case, I have created a folder to hold older ASIAIR apps (including beta versions):

Be sure to rename the app to something you can later pick easliy (I append the ASIAIR version number).
When you run the ASIAIR app (with the newer than factory firmware) when the ASIAIR is booted with its factory firmware, you will be asked to "update the firmware" from the payload in the app.
Notice that this works with (up to 2) Apple M-based computers. A tablet/phone that now tries to connect to the ASIAIR when running even newer ASIAIR app will not work (you will be warned; and don't even try it -- you will probably crash sooner or later).
If you have an Apple phone or tablet, life is not as straightforward, but equally easy. And you will need to own a Mac.
The first thing that you need to do is to download an iPhone/iPad management application to your Mac. Yes, it cost money, but so does a cup of coffee.
The two that I know are iMazing (which I have beed using for a couple of years now) and AnyTrans (which I have not used, but appears to be a copycat of iMazing).
Instead of saving your old ASIAIR apps in your own folder, you connect the iPhone/iPad to your Mac using a USB-C or Lightning cable (depending on the version of the iPad). The iMazing should now see your iPad as a manageable device. iMazing can also download the "current" version of ASIAIR app from the Apple App Store -- once that is saved, you can in the future download this version of the ASIAIR app.
This is the Manage Apps window of my iMazing showing the older versions of the ASIAIR apps:

When I delete the current version of ASIAIR app from my tablet and install the older ASIAIR app, I will be running the older ASIAIR app on the tablet. When you rest the ASIAIR to factory settings, it will allow you to update the firmware to one that is newer than the version when you received the ASIAIR originally.
This is an example when I run ASIAIR app after installing ASIAIR 1.9.1 from iMazing:

If the ASIAIR device has been factory reset (hold hown reset button for longer than 5 seconds whne powering on the ASIAIR device), the ASIAIR app will not show the "App version out of date" notification, but will show a firmware download window.
So, there you go. You just need to be self disciplined enough to keep saving working versions of ASIAIR app into iMazing's storage.
Over the years, I have mentioned iMazing on this forum a number of times, but somehow, people keep saying you cannot install an older version of the ASIAIR app that you had run in the past.