If your guide calibration has been done, you can slew to a nearby target then manually adjust your FOV in preview mode (or use the sky atlas), then can image using autorun mode and switch on the guiding so it autoguides and dithers if you've enabled it. Guiding works on stars, not on individual objects.
The alternative is to use ZWOs Starguiding app, align your mount as you would do with the asiair (or you can use the mount in alt az mode but not recommended if you're long exposure imaging), goto target in the Starguiding app, make your manual slew adjustment using the joystick hand controller, then back in the Starguiding app sync to mount and track. Using the Starguiding app you don't need the asiair, but will need it for taking care of imaging if you're not using an offline capable solution like a DSLR/mirrorless.