I didn't notice the exposure, but most important parameters are:
- gain 55%
- histogram 80% for each color
- 3000 frames for each color
- ROI 640x480 (it depends on the moons. Getting at least one moon in the field is usefull to control "outline" in WinJupOs!)
then wavelets with Registax (which includes a convenient "RGB balance" function), derotation with WinJupOs and resize 150% + a bit of denoising with PhotoShop.
The RGB filters are Baader Type IIC, which reject IR and UV. They seem to be parfocal, so no need to re-focus for each color...
Keeping the same histogram value (by setting the exposure with constant gain) for the three colors helps a lot for final color balance. This is possible because tha ASI120MM has a very good sensitivity in blue.
Ths most important, in my opinion, is to keep a moderate gain. I always 50-60% max for both deep-sky, Moon, planets and Sun. Sam and other persons say that 60% is a maximum value to prevent from noise.
I hope this will help you.