Hi, I received the new AM5 on 10/5 and have been using it regularly since then. Last night the device stopped response via serial, I then tried BT via the controller and it worked for a few hours. This morning it was completely non responsive. I saw the point where the asiair logged that it was not responding. I have tried multiple power options so it isn't that. The on off button can go on and off, but there is no beep. when I plug in the hand controller it starts with a green light for less that a second, and then goes to red. The BT light is not on and I cannot connect to it via asaiair, skyatlas or ASI Mount Controller on my PC.
I have been struggling with guiding for most of the period of using it. I have mostly been doing NB with the DUO and have assumed it was related to optical stuff...For the last few days the DEC swings way up and down, RA Stays in the middle and neither have shown the error on % ... so I wonder if it has been problematic since I received it.