I have put together a timelapse I made of last week's huge prominence. This is 2 hours worth of the action in the prom, from around 1 pm to 3pm. I captured 120 5 second avi files a minute apart using Firecapture's "Autorun" feature, stacked each avi to one image with Autostakkert 2, combined the images into the timelapse animation at 15 frames per sec with DVS (Daves Video Stabilizer), then tinted, sharpened, and stretched the levels of the final timelapse video in Virtuadub.
Equipment was ZWO ASI174MM camera, very basic ST80 scope on Celestron AVX mount, Daystar Quark (Chromosphere model - which as you can see works quite nicely on Proms as well). Energy rejection was with a simple Astronomik reflective L Typ 2c IR block filter on the nose of a diagonal as recommended by Daystar for this size of scope. I think I might have had a GSO x0.5 reducer between the Quark and camera as well.
Full sized animation is on youtube at the link below
Chris M
New Zealand