I have been using an ASI533mc camera with Kstars/Ekos on a linux based system for about 3 years so was expecting my new ASI183ms to operate without problems. However when I tried to take exposures with the 183 sometimes I get an image that looks like a sort of test pattern or it makes 3 attempts and then aborts. So I downloaded ASIStudio and tried using ASIIMG. The results are similar. I set the ASIStudio software to take one image and sometimes it just repeats taking the exposure without showing an image in the viewer. There are no images stored in the designated directory either, which makes me think ASIstudio has the same problem as the Kstars/Ekos software. On other occasions when I start up ASiStudio this sort of test pattern appears in the viewer. Here is a link to this file https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5if41w2pp7150s8nhj6g7/Light_ASIImg_0.5sec_Bin1_11.5C_gain111_2024-11-01_143830_frame0001.fit?rlkey=zoar0o8b2m5ar273e0goxqkre&st=x9yir6g1&dl=0 What am I doing wrong, or is the camera kaput. Mike
snowman When did you purchase the 183 camera? Looks like a problem with data transmission or the daughterboard. Try different 12V powers and USB cables and do not use any hub, short USB cable may also be helpful.
Tech@ZWO I received the camera at the end of September. The power supply is a 12 volt battery. I have tried 2 different cables both 2feet long and I do not use a hub. If this indicates that It might be the mother board how can I get a motherboard. The camera was bought from AstronomyPlus in Canada. Mike
snowman If so your camera still within warraty, you can directly contact the dealer for after-sales service. BTW, the problem is more like on the daughterboard, not mainboard.