tapda01 Of course, you can only image targets in the 20% of the sky that you see. This changes with the time of night and month of the year, which is both a good and a bad thing. It is good because your 20% at a time turns into 30% to 40% over an entire night as the Earth turns. This is a also a bad thing because there is no way to schedule captures at various times of night, you need to literally be there and press the GoTo, Start and Stop button at 3AM or whatever time your target is. Not sleeping regular hours can be very bad for your help.
To be able to use the S50 it has to horizontally calibrate first. As others have already mentioned, what this means is you need an open area of sky at a reasonable Altitude, anything between 45 and 75 degrees will work, you point the S50 to that area and it needs to rotate left and right about 20 degrees from that position and still see open open skies in either direction. Starting with a major star can help but I do not think it really matters, it just makes pointing the S50 initially easier, in your case you would use a constant Alt/Az set of coordinates to start calibration every time. If that succeeds, you can then point the telescope to any visible target and track it.
If you only see a small area of the sky session planning becomes important - not every night is clear and you need to know when the target you are interested is visible in your limited area of sky. The real problem with that is the SkyAtlas, the feature of the SeeStar app you use to chose your target is next to useless for that task, since there is no way to chose a data and time, it only shows you the sky as it is in the present - this makes it next to useless for planning an astrophotography session. The good news is that you can use a different tool for that, for example Stellarium, which has everything SkyAtlas lacks and is also free.
Do not get me wrong, I have had my S50 for 10 months and I am more or less happy with it, although it is not perfect by any means, the app could be greatly improved and ZWO is moving very slowly. Your use case is challenging but do not lose hope, it can be done and I have used the S50 in the past from the balcony of a high rise apartment with less than 20% of the sky visible, so I know it works.
There is a new competitor to ZWO S50, the Dwarf Labs Dwarf 3, which is supposed to be widely available by Christmas and has exactly the same price. So I would wait at least until then to see if maybe the Dwarf 3 might work better for you or not. I have preordered a Dwarf 3 and as soon as it arrives I plan to do a serious comparison of the two, especially from an ease of use point of view.