Equipment: Sky-Watcher Star Aventurer GTI, ASIAir Mini 2.1.0, Sony A6000 mirrorless Camera, SVBony SV220 Dual Narrowband Filter
When trying to get polar aligned, altitude is not a problem. I can zero in in a few refreshes and it is consistent. Azimuth has a problem where the arrow switches from side to side by up to 10 arcminutes and is giving incorrect numbers. I tried for 34 minutes a few nights ago and gave up and shut everything down and restarted. Then it worked somewhat correctly. Then I shut down and restarted again and aligned again. Azimuth was off by more than a degree from the previous alignment. After repeating this several times I realized there is no consistency to azimuth setting. I have the mount on a very solid pier, so the issue is not with movement of the mount.