I am using a almost new Asiair 256G to capture planetary data and I've noticed an issue that has occured the last two sessions where some of my AVI files seem to be corrupt and wont load into any media player nor any planetary software. The files seem to be at full size, taking up disk space as usual, and still located on my Asiair.
When I try to open it in a media player i get the following error: "0xC00D36C4" and a message saying that it cannot be opened. Using VLC to repair them does not work either.
What's strange is that it only affects certain files. The first time it happened it seemingly occured in the middle of the session where I changed targets, thus a video file of Mars was corrupted. Last night however I was recording Mars again, but at the end of the session when the disk had limited space left (about 30gb at the time I ended). Now every single AVI file of Mars is corrupt, yet all the data collected on Saturn and Jupiter for several hours straight beforehand is intact.
On the Mars video files I used an ROI of 320*240 which in return had very high FPS (370-80FPS) which was about 100 more than I had on the other AVI files. At the end I copied all of the files to my portable SSD, but the problem persists when I connect my Asiair to my desktop PC to review the original files.
Not sure what information is needed to look into this further, but I haven't found any similar issues when browsing the forum.
EDIT: I checked the detail section of the file in file explorer and there is no information recorded about length, bit depth, frequency etc.