Hello Is it possible to use narrowband filter with seestar? In this case is better to turn off the internal filter or not? I want to buy new filter because the internal one gives problems with reflection of the brighter stars (the filter seems not perfect aligned in my model) Thanks Thanks
satch984 You should of course not use two narrow band filters at the same time. Unless the narrow passbands happen to overlap they will simply block each other.
satch984 You can use your own external filter wheel that fits over the front of the telescope. When the light damage filter is not on the default ircut filter is used.
Yes, you can get an external filter holder for the Seestar and attach your filter on the outside of the optics. But, there would be no point using both the external and internal filters.
Regards, Curtis
starnet59 I saw a video of Cuiv the lazy geek on YouTube He said that is better to use both filter when imaging He used a 4nm narrowband dualband filter