• Seestar
  • Seestar v2.2.1 has been released!

wvreeven I‘m sorry. We don't want to force users to update, but once we release the latest version of Seestar in the App Store for iOS, Apple will force the app to sync to the latest version of Seestar, which I hope you understand. The firmware is built into the app and as long as you don't update the app, the firmware will not update. We can't disable the update, and once that happens, all user's won't be able to use the new version.

    Seestar_S50 "Moderator pleas sort out issue with 'waiting approval for all my comments!"
    It's not just you. It's everyone, and yes it's very annoying. This is supposed to be a "User forum" not just a support queue, but as it stands, we have to wait a day for any one user to see a reply from any other user, longer on weekends.

      Support@Seestar Yes I am aware of that, being an Apple user myself. But you wrote that there is no need to update and I wanted to point out that it is not so simple. Anyway, I think we agree so let's go back to discussing the features and possible issues of this new version.

        Daemon42 We are very sorry that we can't end this audit in a short time, because some users maliciously posted very bad information some time ago, that's why we set up this speech audit, hope you can understand. We will speed up the review, please forgive us.

          4 days later

          emanuel Asking for credentials should be a problem with your computer's permission settings, you can check if it's a firewall issue or blocking Seestar's access.


          I got SMBClient Security 31017 events - An unsafe guest registration was rejected.

          I have activated the group policy “activate insecure guest logins”, so it works now
          But, enabling guest logons can pose a security threat.
          And the event 31022 occurs - unsafe guest logon accepted

          emanuel Unsecure logins should also be a type of firewall. It's good that it's not a problem now.

          15 days later

          Tech@ZWO There seems to be an issue with the AI Denoise. I cannot access it once I stop live capture. I cannot find it when I want to enhance an image in my library. You say the icon is in the top right - not on my screen.

            petercpc Could you please send me a screenshot so I can analyze the specific situation?

            petercpc In your album switch from local to Seestar at the top. It will only denoise fit files on the Seestar itself.

              Daemon42 It would be great if SeeStar would denoise FIT files. I think it only works on JPG files, which is next to useless.