I bought a telescope seestar s30 on 15/11/2024, order number 78674. When is the expected shipping date, a long delay now, more than two months.
I sincerely apologize. My colleague has informed me that your order can only be shipped in early February at the earliest. Tracking information will be sent to you after the shipment.
Support@Seestar I didn't benefit from anything from the pre-order. Does that wait three months!!!
mahmood.al amri I agree that there is an issue, and our colleagues in the relevant department have been continuously providing feedback about it. We hope to resolve this flaw as soon as possible. I truly wish I could do more for you, but all I can do at this moment is express your frustration.
Can you help me and inform your colleague of the shipment of the product at the end of January?
mahmood.al amri I will. This situation is indeed frustrating, but we don’t want to sacrifice product quality just to rush things. If your order is processed earlier, I will let you know.