I have had a S50 for just over 1 year. To start with I was quite happy with it once I watched enough tutorials and videos. Now however it is seems to fail in many ways. Taking tonight as an example.
1) once it moved to the planet or star (I tried several) it would get stuck on distance to target 0.1 deg. identifying etc then Fail To Find Object, even if the object was in the middle of the screen. Tried different methods of finding the object all with Fail....
2) Once I eventually found an object, it would not track.
3) There is no longer a counter of good shots being stacked, in fact I do not know if is stacking at all
4) My software is the latest version
5 Auto Focus failed is common on any object I find.
Very frustrating, but I may be at fault myself and not doing something correctly, Any suggestions would be appreciated