I have just received two new CAA units. Both work well except I have noticed that both units have the same amount of rotational play (slack), such that I can rotate the camera through about half a degree without any resistance before the internal gears engage. Is this normal for the CAA to have this much rotational play? It’s not a problem if my filter wheel happens to be on one side or the other, as this effectively adds a rotational torque to the CAA due to the weight of the filter wheel so the play is taken out. But if the filter wheel happens to be in a position such that the center of gravity of the CAA shifts during tracking, the filter wheel torque causes the CAA rotational play to suddenly allow the camera and filter to slip by about a half a degree, blurring the image. If it’s windy, the filter wheel and camera can flop back and forth until such time as the tracking has shifted sufficiently to allow the filter wheel torque to stabilize the system again. Is this amount of play normal, and if it’s not, is there any way of adjusting the gear meshing to take out the play? Both my CAA units are the same in this respect.