ZWO Problems
I have invested over $10,000 in a little over a year in astrophotography systems.
I am experienced in photography and image editing for over 30 years.
Did much research prior to investing in astrophotography gear.
Started off with Skywatcher Star Adventurer GTI with Samyang 135 2.0.
Was so excited I jumped into a Williams Redcat 51III, WO Uniguide 32 guide scope, ASI120MM guide camera, ASI Air mini, ASI 533MCPRO camera, ZWO AM3 mount with multiple accessories; and Pixinsight software.
Purchased an Apertura 75Q, ASKAR 103APO with reducers, SVBONY 50 Guide scope, and Seestar S50 about six months ago.
Installed ZWO EAF focusers on ALL scopes.
Have a preorder QHY Minicam 8 with filter wheel and AM5 on order.
Getting unbelievable results in my Bortle 9 skies every clear night available.
Seestar was fun used as educational tool and a scout scope for my larger imaging systems.
Very pleased with all until ZWO ASI software mandatory update several months ago.
I was consistently guiding averaging .5 to .7 even with heavy 103 originally, after mandatory update 3-4 months ago now getting 1.5 to 3.0 at BEST with the lightweight Redcat.
Also, when viewing goto in observatory does not enlarge object on screen when close to object.
Just having to live with poor guiding at 180 seconds.
Recently did a mandatory ZWO update on the Seestar S50 and everything changed again.
Now every time I go to an object AFTER LEVELLING, says level out when trying to focus object.
Recheck level and is WAY OFF and have to start over and relevel without moving scope.
Really upset with LARGE investment which performed perfectly UNTIL MANDATORY ZWO UPDATES completed.
Have spent MANY hours researching on ZWO solutions with astro forums without any consistent results.
I have spent more time than ever, and money on this hobby; and now feel lost.
Primarily ZWO issues.
If any suggestions available, please let me know.