Brille The frame mode is not very useful, the night is not long enough for anything over 2x, even that is problematic. Rather than wasting even more time on this feature, I would rather have ZWO improve the much better plan mode, especially in EQ mode.
In EQ mode there is no field rotation, when you plan what you see is what you get, except for the fact that the red rectangle frame is rotated and not aligned with the EQ grid, as it should. This should be very easy to fix, a really low hanging fruit. The current plan mode is cumbersome and especially difficult to modify and reuse. A plan created one month ago can be reused today, but you need to move everything 3 hours earlier. To do that you have to manually move the start and stop of every single exposure, it is not funny at all. There should be a way to only change the start of the plan and have everything else follow. With this implemented, another major missing feature, a "start plan right now" button should then be trivial to implement too.
You could then plan your own mosaics, 3x, or 4x or whatever, not necessarily in 16:9 format, execute them over multiple nights, you get the idea.