Hi, apologies for very basic question but very new to this. I have an asi174 mono camera (still in box) and intend using it with my old HPG70 laptop. This would be USB2 only. Would this be ok?
Also I need to upgrade from Windows Vista, so would you reccomended Win7. 8 or 10?
Been observing visual for many years and currently have WO 80mm apo, 6" achromatic, and brand new 9.25" Celestron SCT.
Intend Using the laptop purely for image capture to get started so to speak. My main computer is a 27" MAC so will probably use that for processing images. Will then upgrade laptop when I decide if this is the way to go. Oh I also have Maxim DL.
As you can see " All the gear and no idea". So please be patient with me.
Tony E