- M27: 150 x 20s, 11 darks, 100 offsets
- M57: 370 x 10s, 11 darks, 100 offsets, drizzle 1.5x
- NGC6543: 700 x 5s, 11 darks, barlow 2X and drizzle 3x
T150/750SW on HEQ5
Fantastic images with the 224mc! What gain settings do you use?
NGC6543 gain 210
M57 gain 206
M27 gain 248
gamma 50 (off)
Cheers! How did you remove the amp glow btw?
Darks and Offsets + gradient remove with PixInsight...
And here my last picture with 336 x 20s, MC224mc on T150/750:
Thanks for the info that is another cracking image!