Bought an ASI1600MC-Cool on Saturday at the International Astronomy Show 2016 in Warwickshire, UK. Although I have a mono CCD, I don't get to use it as much as I'd like, as I tend to only have an hour or so to do imaging before I have to get some sleep, ready for work, or more usually before the clouds roll in.
I got the camera home and in defiance of all normal laws of buying astronomy gear, the weather was actually reasonably clear! I set up and ah... spent most of the night messing with drivers and swapping spacers on my OAG to get the guide camera and the ASI1600 to both be in focus. The dark band you might see in the top left corner of the image is the remains of the shadow from the OAG prism, which I had pushed in too far.
Still, I managed to get three five minute exposures on the crab nebula before the cloud rolled in. With more exposures, I think I could have got a more convincing stretch, but still not bad for a first go with the camera. Telescope used was a Celestron C9.25, and I had an IDAS D1 LPR filter in place to deal with the terrible light pollution from both the city I live in, as well as the glow from the nearly-full moon.
Looking forwards to my next session!