Hello everybody,
I tried my new camera (ASI290MC) with the orion nebula a week or two ago. (I wanted to image venus but the seeing conditions were horible therefore I waited for the orion nebula)
My setting is an Orion UK 8inch F8 on (cheap) eq platform, The eq platform was not well aligned, but it did not matter I just wanted to check the sensibility of this new camera. I was really surprised, the sensibility and noise is far better than I could imagine. The exp time was appr 0.3-0.5 seconds (2-3 fr per second) as the eq platform wasn't well aligned stars are not round. gain was appr 75-80 %, this is a stack of appr 250 fr (best of appr 550 fr) to enhance a little bit the image I used AS2!, Registax 6 and PainShopPro (only stack, little sharpening and curves / contrast enhancing)
I Just wanted to share my enthousiasm
ErrieGraven Netherlands