242 x 30s, taken as usual from light-polluted suburbs.
I strongly reduced the huge, 16-megapixel image.
Could have be better with a dark sky, anyway the experiment is interesting because most of us live in town. Lacks a 2-in Halpha filter to get the jets of M82. Based on my experience of the ASI224MC in Halpha and considering the large bandwidth of the 071, a composite image in color + Halpha should be easily feasible to get better results.
Sorry for the pale colors resulting from cleaning the light pollution.
Note the extremely low noise and almost inexistent banding.
Newton 150mm (6 inches) F/4.
The advantage of the 071 is that, thanks to its 16-megapixel sensor, it shows both details in the galaxies and a large field of view, in addition to the ease-of-use of a color camera.