I'm working on a project with the camere ASI 120 MC Color.
I have to develop a simple application on a Rapsberry Pi to take pictures with the console but i don't understand how to use the SDK provided with the camera.
I tried Windows 10 Iot on my Raspberry Pi. I can control the camera with my program only on my laptop, not on the Raspberry Pi because the architecture arm is apparently not supported by the librairies provided for Windows.
Then i changed my OS for Raspbian and i tried Visual Studio with remote debugger and GCC in command line but the ASI's and Opencv's method are not recognized. I don't understand how to use the librairies for linux.
Is it possible to use another library for Windows on an arm architecture?
Else, which librairies should I use with Raspbian?
How should I include these librairies on Visual Studio or GCC?