Capture Area was 488 by 488 which required semi hand guiding to keep it in the box for the 2 minute run time. Captured around 5000 frames used only the 100 best. Also had a 50% stack processed without much difference in quality.
Telescope Meade LX200GPS 10' with 2x Barlow and IR Cut filter, i.e. f/2000
Gain 341
Exposure 0.008964
2 Minute capture time
The smaller the capture area, the faster you can get the frame rate for a given gain and exposure.
Stacked in Auto Stacker, Wavelets in Registak, finished in Photoshop
I'm using the "linked wavelets" , didadic and gaussian settings in RS. Interesting new method, check it out with Google.
Hope this helps. I've been relearning, often the hard way. Looking forward to Saturn coming up in the near future.