I am trying to set up LuSol-Guider (solar autoguider from http://www.oc-lab.fr/) with my ASI120MM. LuSol uses DirectShow and I have ZWO DirectShow installed on Win10/64.
LuSol has a button to examine the ASI120's settings through DirectShow. There is a ST4 Test tab that should allow me to test each direction with a 100 msec pulse in the four directions. This test reacts to the mouse button press but the Celestron AVX mount does not move or make any motor sound.
LuSol uses ASCOM to control the telescope (mount). It also has a test panel, but none of those button make the mount move either.
I have tested the program with the ASCOM Telescope emulator. LuSol does make the emulator "move" correctly with the direction test buttons. LuSol's "calibration" routine also makes the emulator move.
Do you have any troubleshooting suggestions? Can I use a voltmeter/oscilloscope to see if there is any output at the ST4 output? Are there any software settings that would help the ST4 commands?
ASI120MM - Firmware 3.0, Driver 2,8,12,5
ASI ST4 Driver
ZWO DirectShow driver