darkframe must be created with http://astronomy-imaging-camera.com/software/ZWO%20ASI%20Cameras%20DirectShow%20driver%20Setup%20V3.0.0.2.exe
AMCap directshow filter as bmp
PS. remember to start Preview before taking darkframe or else the program might hang!
I had old version of libASICamera2.so in my /usr/local/lib folder
Now it say load dark ok but it is no difference... hot pixels are still not removed
Is it something wrong with the darkframe?
Here is darkframe and normal black image and normal with dark frame subtraction
Here is the source code:
I keep the lens cap on all the time to see if the red and blue dots are removed when applying darkframe. Thats why all images are black but darkframe is raw8bit bmp and the other is normal jpg images.
Trying to add dark frame subtraction to asiSnap (next version) but get this error:
load dark failed 7
The code I use is from main_SDK2_snap.cpp
ASI_ERROR_CODE err = ASIEnableDarkSubtract(CamNum, "dark.bmp");
if(err == ASI_SUCCESS)
printf("load dark ok\n");
printf("load dark failed %d\n", err);
When compiling I get this warning:
capture.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
capture.cpp: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’
ASI_ERROR_CODE err = ASIEnableDarkSubtract(CamNum, "dark.bmp");
When I run the program everything works except dark frame with error code 7?
Here is the dark.bmp http://klo.no/pi/asisnap/dark/dark.bmp
I have attached screenshot when running the program
Hope someone can help with this