Updated 11.Oct.2017
AsiSnap v1.4 released
- Dark Frame Subtraction is working. -drk 0 = Diabled, 1= Enabled
- Added Set Region Of Interest (ROI). To center 1920x1080 on azi178mc. -rox 588 -roy 500
- Updated with the new SDK v0.6.0921. works with raspberry pi 2/3
Full source code included in zip file
Hello there
This is what my Raspberry Pi3 with asiSnap v1.4 does today: http://aurora.klo.no
NB. This project are without GUI, no X-Server and suited for light-weighted and embedded systems when finished!
It was created as a All-Sky Camera Command Line Tool for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3
I have used the latest SDK from ZWO that will work on Minibian and Rasbian lite.
When everything is installed it uses 976MB on MicroSD, 34MB RAM on boot and 160MB RAM when running.
Full Working Setup from clean image with minibian https://minibianpi.wordpress.com/download/
IMPORTANT! Remember there is no sudo installed on minibian image so you are running as root
Default username root and password raspberry
apt-get install -y raspi-config nano # I NOW use raspi-config to expand microsd and reboot
apt-get update # Update RPi
apt-get install -y libopencv-dev fbi zip # Install OpenCV and fbi image viewer
unzip asisnap14.zip # Extract all files to YOUR directory
cp libASICamera2.so /usr/local/lib # Copy this file to avoid error when compiling
ldconfig -v # Load config
fbi -T 2 image.jpg # If connected by SSH with HDMI screen connected to RPi
fbi image.jpg # Run this if directly connected to RPi with HDMI screen
Known Issues:
When disabling DarkFrame Subtraction with you need to rename dark.bmp or else it still will use it.
If someone know how to fix this issue please tell me so I can change the code and put it out here.
PS. When you have modified the source code, capture.cpp, just run ./make.sh to compile your code again and run ./asiSnap program again with all the switches you like or need.
My short but true story!
I started learning C/C++ saturday 15.october.2016 when i found the article of Thomas Jacquin's Allsky camera on the web ;-)