Thanks to everybody for your kindy comments, but I know the fonctionnement of the raw files, at least the DNG files from my DSLR. In fact I have my own program writed in VB6 for to debayerize the 16bit file, to stack and to stretch the image.
But for me, this is only a funny game, because I can use commercial or free apps doing the same actions and to obtein a JPG or TIFF 24bits RGB file at the end.
But, with the FITS files, I feel lost, because if I shoot a single file (16bit raw) from my new Zwo camera, I do'nt find any app capable of reading the file, debayerize, manage and save it as 24 bit RGB file. All apps that I tried, always show the picture as a bad B/W Image because it is visible the matrix pattern.
At the end, the question is easy. What app are you using to open a 16bit raw FITS file from a ASCOM driver color camera, debayerize, preview, manage and save ita as RGB file?
Pablo García