Dear All,
I have a problem with my MiniPc (Voyo V3) assembled on the telescope and controlled with Teamviewer.
After the re-installation of the Windows 10 64bit and the update to 1709, and all his updates, version it's impossible to use the ASI 120MC and the ASI 174MM-Cooled under Ascom 6.3 drivers.
With SharpCap and Firecapture, with the native drive, I have no problem.
But if I want use them with the ASCOM drivers it's impossible:
- ASI 120MC with PHDGuide 2.6.4 can see the 120MC but doesn't works;
- ASI 174MMC with Astroart 6 SP3 (174MMC) doesn't see the ASIs cams.
The AstroFocus 5 and the Vixen Sphinx SXD mount with NEX System works very well with the ASCOM.
More, I have a desktop with WIndows 10 64bit and 1709 build and I have any problem with ASCOM 6.2 and the ASIs.
I tried many ASI Ascom drivers but nothing.
I thing it dipends from something to fix after the ASI Ascom drivers installation.
Can someone give me an help to fix this issue?
Thanks you and Kind regards,