ASI120mm mini user here. I also see the 250+ ms delay between starting an exposure and having ASIGetExpStatus report success even when the exposure time is much shorter than this.
In video mode, I'm observing the same 250+ ms delay to the first call to ASIGetVideoData returning; subsequent calls to ASIGetVideoData do return at the frame rate interval (50ms in my test). So I can verify Sam@ZWO's statement that video mode can avoid the 250+ ms delays.
However, during active video capture, I experiment with changing camera settings. If I call ASISetROIFormat, I incur a 250+ ms delay for the next ASIGetVideoData call; thereafter it goes back to my 50ms interval. On the other hand, I can call ASISetStartPos without disturbing the ASIGetVideoData intervals.
It would be great if I could change the ROI between video frames just like I can change the startpos between video frames. More generally, eliminating the 250ms delays would be terrific. Even reducing the 250ms as much as feasible would be helpful.